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Topic: News

2018 Mercury Award – Sustainable Initiative WINNER

Posted by Omni Group

Omni Pallet Wrapping Solution receives the 2018 Sustainability Initiative Award!

Following the Megatrans show last week, the winners of the Logistics & Materials Handling Mercury Awards were announced. Omni Group’s ‘Perfect Pallet Wrapping Solution’ received the Sustainability Initiative Award.

The award-winning Omni Pallet Wrapping Solution is the world’s most innovative and sustainable load containment method. The Omni Pallet Wrappers and Omni Stretch Wrap have been engineered together to minimise the required amount of stretch film to wrap a pallet while maintaining optimum load containment.

Through cutting edge innovation, Omni have developed high-performance films with a superior stretch yield and puncture resistance to that of conventional films yet less than half the thickness. The Omni Pallet Wrapper’s unique Power-Pre-stretch technology can increase the yield of stretch film to over 400%. This means a 2000m roll of stretch film can be increased to over 8000m in length. Therefore, one roll of Omni Stretch Film is equivalent to 6 rolls of conventional stretch film.

By increasing film efficiently, we guarantee to reduce stretch wrap usage by over 50% and as a result save our clients over 20% in pallet wrapping costs. Enquire now to find out how much you are wasting with and inefficient pallet wrapping method.

Topic: News

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